Abandoning the “Should”

The problem is – “should” is quick and dirty. I can analyze what is and what “should” be and spit it out in a simple sentence. Reaching for the truthful standard while offering understanding for who I am, forgiveness for who I am not and encouragement to reach toward goodness requires more. Typically, it takes five thoughtful sentences to do the job. This may seem like semantics, but how these desires are framed in our belief system is the difference between a life of joy and peace… or one of anxiety, futility and despair.

Mattering Matters

Knowing that we matter to someone else is a need we all share and one that when met produces pleasant emotions. With the realization that we matter in the life of another person comes the sense that we are valued, loved, known, included and wanted. Mattering is particularly important if that other person is someone that matters to you.

Being Fearless

Here are eight fear/worry stoppers as described by Max Lucado in his book Fearless; Imagine Your Life Without Fear: 1) Pray First: Inoculate yourself inwardly to face your fears outwardly. “Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him…”(1Peter 5:7 AMP). 2) Easy … Read moreBeing Fearless