Mother’s Day – A Day of Ambivalence

Grief is layered. Love is vulnerable. Forgiveness is a mysterious healer. Being willing to love well will require us to risk experiencing great loss. For many Mother’s Day brings both joy and sadness and they are reminded that there is much to be thankful for and much to grieve. Living healthy requires the ability to do both… sometimes on the same day…

Numbing is Dumbing

If you are in or approaching your young adult years I encourage you to choose to grasp on to your competency and resiliency, rather than giving in to the illusion of escape that drugs, marijuana, alcohol, illicit sex and other forms of disconnection offer. If you have been knocked down by tragedy I hope you find the strength to connect with others as you heal and begin to walk through how to write the next chapters of your life. If you are well into your adult years and you are realizing that numbing strategies have not lead you down the path that you were hoping, know that it’s never too late to give yourself what you didn’t get growing up.

September Is Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain. Our goal then for suicide prevention is to reduce pain and increase the resources available for handling pain. This may sound like simple formula yet it has multi-faceted features. That means we all can contribute to suicide prevention.